Sunset in the east of France
Scene by the pool, Czech Republic
Naked people at 6am celebrating the Sun, Black Sea
Sunset on Czech Republic's hills
Abandoned Casino from 1910, Romania
Father & son, Turkey
Family wild camping
Lovers in Romania
Somewhere in Bulgaria, sleeping under the stars in my car
Antalya, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Sunset in north of Greece, sleeping under the stars in my car
Shumen Monument, Bulgaria
Boat from Turkey to Greece, wrong date printed on film.
Orthodox church, Greek Island
Venice, Italy
Hills & waterfall in Mount Apuseni, Romania
Moon eclipse
A passing stranger next to the sea
Horse in the woods
Abandoned building, France
Southend on sea
Old woods
Fox on a hill
Bird in a park
My little brother
Butterflies dancing
Girl in a café
Abandoned pool in London
Mysterious lights after the rain
Lucky shot before this fox ran away
Broken tree at London carnival
Abandoned building in London
Abandoned train depot
Abandoned hospital, UK
Ferry in London
Girl waiting at the Somerset House